In this week’s newspaper, The Navasota Examiner, the front page reported how the county judge gave pay
raises to employees in a couple of departments without the county commissioners
giving their okay. The commissioners thought the employees shouldn’t get across
the board raises, even if they were underpaid sheriff deputies. Instead, they
thought all the employees should get merit raises; in other words, they should
earn their raises.
Well, I’m here to tell you, if that happens, I think the
public works employees shouldn’t get squat. (Maybe the county doesn’t have them
on payroll; maybe they’re city workers. I get confused about who works for whom
since they are all public employees who actually get paid by my neighbors and me--the
Here’s why I’m peeved at the city works department.
My sweetie and I recently hired the services of ABC Lawn Services
from College Station to trim the trees in our front yard. When they were
finished (and they did a great job), they gathered the limbs and neatly stacked
them in the side yard. We waited three weeks for “heavy trash
day." Five men and a truck with a heavy-duty wood
chipper machine showed up on Monday morning, looked at our neat piles, and before Ronnie could
get downstairs to talk with them, they’d put a slip of paper on the front door with
the pre-printed message: Quantity Too
Large. If they hadn’t hopped on the truck and already hustled four blocks
down the street, I think my man would have chased them.
Ronnie and I had been reading about the brouhaha over city
services in The Examiner during
previous months, and these workers’ actions were totally passive-aggressive. You see, the city workers have been balking at
the growing trash from broken tree limbs (caused by the dry drought followed by
wind and rain). The city council talked about adding an additional charge to
our city bill to motivate the workers, but the retired folks raised hell about being
on fixed incomes. Then, the city council talked about requiring residents to
cut the limbs into sticks and bundle them, but the retired folks raised hell again,
this time about ailing bodies and weak backs. I don’t remember ever reading
anything about the amount. Which brings up the question: How will the amount diminish
if city workers refuse to pick up any of it? Should we ask neighbors to take
5x5x10 lots of it and spread it out so the five workers can spend the day
stopping at three houses instead of one?
I’ve been mad as an African killer bee all week, but my man has a cooler
head focused on solving problems. Instead of raising Cain, Ronnie had my son come up from Houston with two male buddies on Friday. They took care of the tree limbs, easy peasy—and cleaned out the garage.
The best part, it only cost a six-pack of Bud Light from the Valero gas station and two
large Super Supreme pizzas from Pizza Hut.
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