In the cycle of life, after all endings come new beginnings.
Not immediately, however. There is a middle ground—I call it the wasteland, that desert where you wander in your howling grief, being
stripped down to the bare bones of you, sustained only by daily manna from God.
Barbara, Jackie, Maya, Elda, Charlotte and Wynell were my manna.
They were unrelenting in their care; they fed and comforted me when I could
I stayed in that wasteland until I could let go of my old
way of being and walk out, a “new” person. I did not jump into a new
relationship after my divorce (Thank you, God!). I don’t think it was because I
had good sense; I believe it was because I trusted God to lead me rather than my
pushing or rushing to a new beginning. It has been a long road, but as I always
believed in my heart, when I got to the other side, I knew it would be worth
the hard lessons and time alone to find out exactly who I am at my core.
There is a new man in my life. We met twenty years after my
divorce, and we have been together for almost three years. For Valentine’s Day,
I received such a surprise when I arrived home… the sweetest bouquet of pink
tulips sat right inside the front door, a bouquet of long stemmed red roses greeted
me in the kitchen—along with a box of chocolate truffles—and a bouquet of red
roses awaited me in the bedroom. Ron did not do this because he felt he had to
compete with a memory or impress me with grandeur. He did it because he knew I didn’t
expect it, and he delights in surprising me.
On Valentine’s night we went out to a local restaurant to
listen to a band we know. Misslette reminded the audience that God loved us
first, so if anyone was alone, to remember that none of us is alone or unloved.
Truer words have never been spoken.
The last song Misslette performed was Etta James’s “At
Last,” and Ron danced with me. The next morning I thought about the line in Robert
Browning’s poem. The entire first stanza of the poem—not just one
line—describes my life today.
old along with me!
best is yet to be,
last of life, for which the first was made:
times are in his hand
saith, ``A whole I planned,
shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid!''
Where are you in the turning points of your life today—at an ending, beginning or betwixt
(in the wasteland)?
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